University of Tennessee Pharmacy Student Sues School Over Discipline for Social Media Posts

Kimberly Diel, a University of Tennessee pharmacy student, recently filed a first amendment lawsuit against the school, alleging the university expelled her because she posted on her private, personal social accounts the school deemed too sexual.  The pharmacy school complained that this was “unprofessional.”  It is all too common that…
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What Legal Consequences Will Universities Face if They Don’t Reopen in the Fall?

The nation’s colleges and universities were already struggling financially even before the COVID-19 pandemic hit. Now, with a sudden shift to online schooling and students no longer on campus, a difficult situation has become dire. According to Christina Paxson, President of Brown University, “A lot of [colleges] were teetering on…
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With Universities Moving to Online-Only Classes, Plagiarism Concerns Evolve

An increasing number of universities have been offering online classes in recent years, but now due to the COVID-19 pandemic, virtual classrooms are the only classrooms.  This has become the sudden necessary reality for every university in the country. With entire student bodies now taking classes and completing tests remotely,…
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